Hi Scilor!
I see you still haven't declared any licence for your java grooveshark(tm) api.. Well i've been developing this java app for listening to and downloading songs from grooveshark(tm) and have used your api. I've worked pretty hard and long to make it into what it is now. It now also supports playlists with both local and online (grooveshark(tm)) content. Well i thought that it'd be cool if i'd actually get something for my work and wanted to distribute my app as a shareware:
Everybody can download the program and use it with these two restrictions: a nagging screen that pops up now and then on start up and asks for a donation and only one simultanious download of songs.
Donators get a serial nr. which they can use to remove the nag screen and activate multiple simultanious downloads.
Now you said you normally allow use of the API for personal use only. I quess this is not personal use so I'm asking for your permission to do what I am intending to. I will (and have in previous open source versions) of course credit you on the about page of my app as well as on the website I will publish it on. Know that I'm not representing any company or something. I'm just a computer science student trying to make some extra money..
What i probably won't..
And I would really recommend disclaiming some licence for your api. Some people may not be as honest as I am and just use the api without your permission, since it doesn't declare any licence that they couldn't.