Hey Scilor thanks for all your great apps!
I've been using "Scilors Grooveshark.com Downloader" ever since the first release and it's now my main application for 'downloading'
my music.
It just saves me a shitload of work finding music instead of searching torrent sites and p2p applications
However I must say your applications ar not always as user-friendly
So ill just leave a couple of suggestions for you, remember they are suggestions that I think would be good for the application.
I'm not saying you should make your API open-source, that would just allow Grooveshark to patch everything up real quick.
- Multi-threading support, this will allow the application to search and not freeze/be unresponsive while doing so. (use Backgroundworkers and custom eventhandlers for this)
- Multiple downloads at the same time. (like store them in an array or list of some kind in your api for easy access)
- Documentation on how to use your API. (I understood how to use the early versions of your API but I'ts like a frikin' maze to me now)
- Make your API easier to use or add comments to your API's functions. (comments for functions in Visual Studio can be made by pressing the ' button 3 times for VB an pressing the / 3 times in C#)
- Make it look pretty =D
- Make at least this part open-source this way the users can enjoy the app and you don't have to worry about them stealing the API code
- Allow to sort the search results by Relevance (default), Name, Artist and Album (I know this is possible
- Allow 'downloading' of an entire album at once (there are many people who just want to download an entire album of their favorite artist)
- You could make a library for all the downloaded music where users can find all of the music they 'downloaded'. (I know every song on Grooveshark has an unique ID number you could use this to make sure that songs that have been downloaded before do not show up in the search results again, just save your library XML-wise)
- Fix the search results box, it's ugly. (sorry but it is -_-)
Anyways I really appreciate your hard work and I'd donate but I don't have PayPal but if you set up a iDeal payment system i'll buy you a coffee ^_^
Hope you make this application even better than it is!
P.S. If you need some help I got lots of experience in .NET VB as well as C# also I have a few friends who could create a new design for you
~ Jon