Hi, I'm from Brazil and I was using Scilor Downloader version 4. Every time I entered the program appeared the alert update, then I updated the program to new version.However, when I tried to download a file, this message appeared:
Error: System.Exception - Cannot deserialize JSON array (i.e. [1,2,3]) into type 'SciLorsGroovesharkAPI.Groove.Functions.GetStreamKeyFromSongIDEx+GetStreamKeyFromSongIDExResult'. The deserialized type must be an array or implement a collection interface like IEnumerable, ICollection or IList. To force JSON arrays to deserialize add the JsonArrayAttribute to the type. Path 'result.35066065', line 1, position 130. ({"header":{"session":"2efe840c7fc88390f87c3489d7e87696","serviceVersion":"20100903","prefetchEnabled":true},"result":{"35066065":[]}}) - "C:\Users\Hinglyd Wyttoria\Documents\Musicas\Washington National Cathedral Choir of Men and Girls - Psalm 122, I was glad when they said unto me - Washington National Cathedral Centennial Celebration.mp3" deleted! [10/08/2012 20:19:52] Executing All Download Event
This warning simply means that the file was deleted or because it is a new bug? In version four occurred a similar error, but with a different message, and I could not download. Finally, I would warn you all that the first option in version 5 for download at forum site is incomplete, only managed to update the program with the second option.