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PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2014 11:14 pm 
Dear SciLor,

Let me first say thank you very much for such a wonderful, always-updated product. I would like to send you cash, as I'm not computer literate enough to send BitCoin, yet. So I'm wondering, is such a thin possible - mailing cash? And I'm sorry about BitCoin. It just seems complicated. And the media has built it up as most likely going to steal your identity and money.

Also, for those reading this, I'm sorry if this is a wrong place for this topic, or if I'm doing something wrong, as when I'm normally reading posts like this, it's other more experienced users berating them for doing something wrong. This is my first post. I'd love tips for learning message boards better (i.e. when to create a new tab, and when a "thread is dead," and whatever that means). I love writing and often think I have something to add. On Wikipedia for example, I always want to improve Wikipedia entries, but I'm worried on whether I'll mess it up, or make too drastic of changes. Mainly in the sphere of pop culture. I just love writing, and I love the tidbits about humans that make them worthwhile. Like did you know Colin Kaepernick (perhaps, that's misspelled) owns a huge, gianourmous tortoise he's had as a pet that's grown from like the palm of your hand! How crazy is that? It makes me kind of like football! But not really.

Question to the community:
*Can you add bulleted lists to posts?
**Is there a way to turn off in message spell check on a Windows 8.1 PC?
***Is Windows 8.1 really that bad?'
****What is Disable BBCode; Disable smilies; Do not automatically parse URLs; Attach a signature (...); THE LAST ONE I UNDERSTAND.

Anyways, SciLor. Thank you again. I know you must be quite busy, and the Community is quite grateful, especially me.

Thank you,
An Avid Fan.

P.S. I don't even tell people about this, because I don't want them to spoil it. :)
P.P.S. You are awesome.

The Adswinger

Joined: Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:56 pm
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